17 Ziele – Projektübersicht
Alle Projekte von Teams up! nehmen eines der 17 Nachhaltigkeitsziele in den Fokus. In unserer Projektübersicht bekommen Sie weitergehende Informationen zu den bislang geförderten Projekten. Vielleicht finden Sie Anregungen für Ihr eigenes Projekt oder interessante Kontakte, um sich auszutauschen und nach Themen oder Regionen zu vernetzen?

World Wide Gender Justice - Reaching SDG 5 through Youth Empowerment
Das einjährige Projekt zielt darauf ab, junge Menschen in NRW und Gulu für Gendergerechtigkeitsthemen zu sensibilisieren und für politisches und zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement in diesem Feld zu empowern. Gemeinsam werden wir uns mit SDG 5 sowie mit Politik und Zivilgesellschaft beider Partnerländer beschäftigen, verschiedene Akteur*innen treffen, uns austauschen und eine kreative Ausstellung zu den Möglichkeiten junger Menschen, sich für Gendergerechtigkeit zu engagieren, erarbeiten. Diese wird in Gulu und Münster sowie online ausgestellt.
FARU in the Sand
Two young sports clubs want to revive the twin-city program between Hamburg and Dar es salaam with a long term partnership. From the perspective of young athletes from both countries, gender roles in sports organizations will be examined and ways to achieve gender equality will be sought. The aim of "FARU in the sand" is to give participants adiferentiated perception of the current situation in East Africa and Northern Europe, which identifes the diferences between the two countries but points to a joint future.
#ExchangeForEquality is an international youth encounter with a focus on SDG5: achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. The participants from Berlin and Nairobi explore the realities of girls and women in both countries by creating digital stories that can serve as advocacy tools. The project provides an opportunity for vibrant young people from both countries to take active part in furthering the achievement of SDG5 milestones as part of the 2030 Development Agenda.
Closing the Gap (after a pandemic) - Equality and an end to gender-based violence
Worldwide, the COVID pandemic had a negativ impact on the opportunities and development of young people but girls have often been exposed to higher risks. Both associations take a lead when it comes to girl's empowerment but now we need to step up for a change: The project will explore the reasons of gender equality and reasons why the gap of inequality might have widened during the pandemic, implement safe spaces, train girls. Participants will develop networks for safe and empowered girls and women and initiate their own action plans.
Still today many girls have to struggle with inequality in society. These can be observed also in football. Young participants have to be sensitized about this topic, informed about SDG 5 and trained as multipliers so that they can continue to deal with the challenges later on. In order to achieve this goal, they need a stabile basis of knowledge, first hand experiences and empoweing moments . Vvisible result of this training should be that the learning content is passed on to other young people, form/formats will be decide by participants.
"Language of Love" - Pilot for an episodic education and movie project on gender equalities, diversity
Language of Love is cultural exchange program and an audiovisual education project that addresses the issue of love and
gender equality from a perspective that tries to explore the different forms of love outside the norm. We see this process as a strategy of empowerment and looking for ways of visibility and representation. To this end, we want to address the issue
with different groups that have different positions out of an intersectional perspective. Two movie episodes and educational
resources will be created during the project.
Future Kick
This project brings together young men and women from Germany and Senegal in order to provide an intercultural experience granting the participants both increased understanding of the other cultures, boosting their ability to cooperate and work across gender and cultures through football playing and training. In both Senegal and Germany, the youth will be responsible for working together towards organizing training sessions and tournaments between each other and the communities in which they are traveling in.
Closing the gap - Join hands to empower girls and young women to stop violence and reach equality
This exchange programme between the Guiding organizations in Germany and Rwanda will use the Voices against Violence curriculum, an international non-formal co-educational curriculum which engages girls, young women, boys, young men, adults, parents and the community in conversations about violence. The initiative is unique in that it addresses the root causes of violence against girls and sets the groundwork for real social change. The project participants will receive training, exchange on the problems in the two countries and create creative content in order to inform other members of their community on the other country, work on creative and practical ideas how to empower girls and young women and work on creating safe spaces in their communities together. It will have empowered participants to be leaders, to speak out and take action. The participants will be able to work with other young people during and after the project.
It is expected that the curriculum will help girl guides participants and indirect beneficiaries learn how to talk about violence, understand its root causes, identify different forms of violence, recognize their rights and develop the skills and confidence to access those rights for themselves and others.
Exchanges will start as virtual encounters due to the corona pandemic. The participants are supposed to connect via social media and messenger services throughout the project and form small bi-national working groups in order to intensify the exchange and create common project ideas.
Women, men and other problems - gender, women rights and privileges
In einem Theaterjugendaustausch werden Jugendliche im Alter von 15 bis 20 Jahren aus eher prekären Verhältnissen (15 aus Südafrika und 15 aus Deutschland) zwei Mal zusammen arbeiten und leben. Sie entwickeln unter theaterpädagogischer Leitung Theaterstücke um den Themenkreis Frauenrechte, Frauenbildung und Genderfragen in Südafrika und Deutschland zu behandeln. Ein Stück wird zunächst in Deutschland, dann ein Zweites in Südafrika gezeigt. Die Begegnungen werden durch mehrere Begleittreffen und Skype-Konferenzen zwischen den Teilnehmenden und den Teamenden vor- und nachbereitet.
Projekte mit Laufzeitbeginn vor Januar 2021 wurden über die ehemalige Programmlinie weltwärts-Begegnungen gefördert.
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