Frequently asked questions


What is Team works! Young Expert Exchange for Sustainable Development?

Team works! enables young experts to undertake a four-week internship in a partner enterprise in Germany. The Senior Expert Service (SES) is responsible for managing the Team works! in Germany programme. Young experts from African countries spend a period of several weeks for an internship in Germany, with an SES expert from outside the enterprise on hand to provide support.

Who can take part?

The programme is aimed at young people who are training in a skilled trade or have recently finished doing so. It is open to young people between 18 and 30 years of age who are at the end of their training or just beginning working life. More specifically, participants must be at least in their third year of training and have initial work experience of relevance to the internship in question. Team works! in Germany involves you spending several weeks for an internship in Germany, with an SES expert from outside the enterprise on hand to act as your mentor.

Is it possible to apply for Team works! even if I don’t have any experience abroad?

Yes, it is possible to apply for Team works! even if you don't have any experience abroad. Your tandem expert and the SES will support you with information and tips during your preparations and will also be there for you during your stay. In this way, Team works! wants to ensure that, regardless of your experience in other countries, you will be able to successfully overcome any challenges that arise in connection with your internship.

Can I take part in the programme if I have a disability or impairment?

Yes. Contact us for advice on possibilities for inclusive internships.

Getting in touch

Costs, welfare benefits and insurance cover

What costs does the programme cover for me?

AGYO covers the main costs of your participation in Team works!, particularly flights, accommodation, meals and any preparatory seminars you attend.

What costs do I have to pay myself?

Costs that you have to pay yourself are pocket money for personal needs and for private excursions. The remaining costs will be covered.

Does my employer have to pay anything for my internship?

Employers looking to send a young expert on an internship with Team works! do not incur any costs. They can only benefit from your few weeks away. Employees return from international internships revitalised, motivated and with a broader outlook. So, with the added value you’ll bring to your workplace at home, your employer has every reason to support your internship with Team works! in Germany.

What insurance cover will I have?

The AGYO takes out accident, private liability and international health insurance for you.

Can I get help with the visa application process?

All participants on AGYO projects need a valid visa for the duration of their stay in the partner country. Information on current visa rules can be obtained from the countries’ embassies and consulates. African experts participating in the programme should contact the German embassy in their home country directly. The SES will provide you with information on the visa application process before you apply and help with any questions you might have.

Registration, selection and preparation

Who can take part?

The programme is aimed at young people who are training in a skilled trade or have recently finished doing so. It is open to young people between 18 and 30 years who are at the end of their training or at the beginning of their working life. More specifically, participants must be at least in their third year of training and have initial work experience of relevance to the internship in question. Team works! in Germany involves you spending several weeks on an assignment in Germany, with an SES expert from outside the enterprise on hand to act as your mentor.

Where can I apply for Team works! in Germany?

Young professionals from African countries should use the application form to apply. If the SES accepts your application, they will compare your profile with internship opportunities in companies in Germany and contact you directly as soon as there is something suitable. Please bear in mind, however, that there is no guarantee of an internship being found for you.

To the application form

Are there any deadlines for application?

Application is possible at any time. There are no deadlines but please keep in mind that it takes several months or even more than a year to organise an internship. Unfortunately, however, there is no guarantee that you will be offered a work placement.

I have applied. When will I receive feedback/be able to start my work?

We are delighted that you have applied for Team works! The next step is for SES to find a suitable work placement for you. To do this, your application will be compared with the enquiries that SES receives. As soon as a specific work opportunity is found, you will be contacted directly. This process can take several months or even a whole year. Unfortunately, however, there is no guarantee that you will be offered a work placement.

How do I prepare?

The SES arranges an initial online meeting to enable you and the place of internship in Germany get to know each other. Working with the SES mentor, you develop ideas together aimed at ensuring your collaboration is a success. You will also be offered various online preparation modules, dealing with intercultural aspects and language.

Yes, your employer must grant you leave or holiday for the duration of your internship.

How can I get involved in my enterprise/organisation?

If you’re interested in hosting a young expert or sending a young expert on an internship, get in touch with us. Together, we can explore the options available.

Your assignment

How long does the internship last?

Internships can last between three and six weeks.

In which types of company can my internships take place?

The SES mainly works with small or medium enterprises from all sectors, educational institutions and welfare/healthcare facilities. We ensure that there is a good match between the topic of the internship and your knowledge and interests.

What support is available to me at my place of internship?

With Team works! in Germany, you have a designated contact person at the host enterprise. There is also an SES expert who has good local connections and serves as a mentor for you. Your colleagues in the host enterprise are also there for you and the SES team in Bonn can help if you have any questions or problems.

Where do I live during my internship?

You will stay near your place of internship. The SES will organise accommodation for you.

What happens if I fall ill during my internship?

If you fall ill during your internship, you will receive the best possible medical treatment. The AGYO takes out international health insurance for you for your stay in Germany as well as accident and private liability insurance. You do not incur any costs.

In what form are the conditions of the internship agreed on?

As soon as the SES has found a suitable enterprise or organisation for you in Germany, it (SES) puts the two of you in contact with one another. If you both agree to the collaboration, you sign an internship agreement and define the tasks to be performed, learning objectives and how the internship relates to one or more Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

What should I do with my flat whilst I’m abroad?

If you already rent your own flat, one option would be to sublet it during your assignment with Team works! The programme cannot pay your rent.

After my assignment in Germany

Will I receive a certificate of participation?

Yes, every young expert receives a certificate of participation at the end of their internship. The certificate is in their language of choice (English, German or French).

How can I continue my involvement after the internship?

By participating in Team works!, you will discover that each and every individual can have an impact. You can draw on this experience and your new friends and contacts to continue your involvement after the internship. We can support you through our active alumni and networking activities and information about further funding possibilities. If you want to ask us something, feel free to use the contact form or contact Engagement Global’s Advisory and Networking Office for Development Activities for more detailed advice.

AGYO contact form

To the Advisory and Networking Office for Development Activities