It is about sharing knowledge. But is also about sharing the culture.
Joseph J. Haule from Arusha, Tanzania, manages a vocational training centre in the city, which is a potential host enterprise for young experts from Germany on the Team works! young expert exchange programme. In our interview, he explains what he finds so exciting about the programme.
Joseph J. Haule
Joseph J. Haule, *1971, Arusha, Tanzania. Currently employed as the Head of St. Gabriel VTC (Vocational Training Center) in Arusha. Joseph trained at the National Institute of Transport in Dar Es Salaam, graduating with a Diploma and Bachelor of Science in Automobile Engineering. He also attended a training course on emission reduction and climate protection in automotive engineering in the German city of Mannheim.
The interview
Mr Haule, could you tell us a little about your company?
My organisation is a school and a motor vehicle workshop and it is supervised by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. So we do vocational training and we care for our customers by repairing their motor vehicles.
How could young experts from Germany benefit from a joint assignment with an SES expert at your institution through the AGYO?
They could see how we in Tanzania solve technical problems with very limited resources and they can learn something from us in the process.
What advantages or insights could you personally, your company or your staff gain from this assignment?
Myself, I benefit from the experience of the SES experts. For my company and my staff, the advantage is being able to talk about new technology and experiences.
What areas of responsibility would you introduce young experts from Germany to?
On the one hand, of course, the aim is to share knowledge. But I would also invite them to get to know our culture.
What would a young expert have to bring to the assignment to make it a success for your organisation?
I think first of all their practical knowledge. And the young people need to be aware where they are going. They need to have an open mind. They are going to Tanzania. A lot of things here will be quite different from in Germany. If they are open to that, their time with us will be a sort of “induction course” on Africa. On Tanzania. What is important is their openness.
What is your motivation for facilitating these Team works! young expert exchanges?
I am grateful for the numerous good experiences I’ve had with SES experts and would enjoy sharing them with young experts too and instilling in them a passion for our work.
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