Good ideas and exciting experiences

Groups report on their exchange projects

International exchanges and working together on a project are valuable experiences for all those involved. Learn here how other youth groups have worked together to achieve more sustainability and how they experienced the process. Maybe you’ll be inspired to come up with some ideas for an exchange project of your own!

SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

More Taste, Less Waste

Partner country: Tanzania

The “More Taste, Less Waste!” project brings together young people from Germany and Tanzania to explore SDG 12, “Responsible consumption and production”. The focus is on finding out more about ways to reduce food waste, green farming methods and how eating a vegetarian/vegan diet can help decrease one’s carbon footprint. The idea really is “What we put on our plate has an impact on our planet!”

SDG13: Climate action

Green is the new black

Partner countries: Germany and Ghana

“Green is the new Black” is the first project by the Hamburg-based Future of Ghana Germany (FoGG) organisation to focus on environmental and social sustainability.

SDG5: Gender equality

FARU in the Sand

Partner country: Tanzania

The project gave participants from the FARU Sports Foundation and Sand für Alle opportunity to find out more about Tanzania and Germany, play volleyball and meet new people -  all while working together on SDG 5, “Gender equality”.

SDG 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development

A drama-based approach to traces of colonialism in Berlin and Lomé

Partner country: Togo

The TRACES project was initiated by Kollektiv X Perspektiven and Compagnie Artistique Carrefour in cooperation with ASA-FF e. V. Based on Sustainable Development Goal 16, “Peace and justice”, it involved 15 young Germans and Togolese who investigated traces of colonialism in their countries in an effort to trigger a postcolonial debate.

SDG 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Water as a connecting element

Partner country: Rwanda

Together for a more sustainable future: The 22 participants from the German girl guide association St George and Association des Guides du Rwanda collaborated on a project on Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation). Not only did they learn a lot about water consumption, rainwater and hygiene, their close cooperation strengthened the partnership and even gave rise to new projects.

SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Two countries, one topic: Responsible consumption in Senegal and Germany

Partner country: Senegal

In March 2017, ten participants from Amis de la Nature in Senegal set off for Germany. The first visit on their project with their partners at Naturfreundejugend Deutschlands took place in Berlin and resulted in a magazine for young people, published in German and French. The German group’s return visit to Dakar took place in March 2018.

SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Improving education in Germany and Namibia

Partner country: Namibia

Improve education quality: that was the aim that Suni and Light for the Children from Namibia had in mind as they launched their exchange project with funding from weltwärts. The 14 participants visited each other, learned about the education systems in the respective other country and split into smaller groups to design new concepts to help achieve their aim. Their efforts paid off in more ways than one: they received an engagement award for their work.